
We have functional trap, we observed by one eye trapped flour, maybe we know why the grains are hanging there, so now we can finally start playing! :-)

Let’s try a little “jab” of trapped grains by increasing voltage in the trap. For some of them it will be a little uncomfortable and they begin to go a little bit “crazy”. Well check it out for yourself:

Particles first began to run around and then “went mad” completely and flew out of the trap! Ouch! So this is happening on the edge of ”life” and “death” of trapped grains of flour? Does their path takes shape of square?


This phenomenon at the edge of ”life” and “death” of trapped grains of the flour will be called square.

Yes. Their paths take a shape of squares. Check out next video, where is seven times slower motion of the particles on the edge of ”life” and “death”. Try to find out, how long it takes to the particle to complete square in comparison with movement of ordinary path.

Twice. One turning is twice longer than the ordinary movement of ”living” particle. This can be simply explained by the fact, that the particle must go through four arcs in order to enclose square, while ordinary path of particle contains just two arcs. :-) You may have noticed that particle in the square located in the middle of screen is rotating in oposite direction then the others! And the second on the right is delayed by a half turnaround! Watch the video again and focus on it. :-)

Do you like games? Whether boxing, gladiator or cock fights? Let me invite you to a duel of squares!

Competitor approaching from the right can easily handle the first enemy and go through him as a knife through the butter. But the second opponent resists, they are colliding and …

… and that’s all. The question now is why he passed through the first one and collided with the second one. There are bunch of explanations. In the following seven times slower video square starts from the right against other one. Both are rotating in the same direction, but one is delayed by half of turnaround over the another. For a while they rotate together and then both continue its own way.

The other two options, when squares pass through each other, are in the following video. Competitor from the center of the video is going to the right. The first opponent, which he meets, rotates just like him, but is a little bit smaller. The second one looks just about the same size, but he rotates in the oposite direction. After while and after some punches, our competitor continues peacefully in his journey. Glory to the winners, honor to the losers!

There remains one question, for which answer is left for you to provide. In what situation do they collide and don’t pass through each other, as we have seen in some previous video? Please write your suggestions in the comments below. :-)

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